Best Digital Marketing Agency Chosen by Top Companies in India.
Our clients include multiple publicly traded companies and firms with multibillion dollar market Capital. From expert management of Google Ads to omni channel optimization, we're focused on profitability, cost per acquisition, and delivering your expected business outcomes.
There Aren't Many Google Partners.
We're One of Them.
The badge is awarded to agencies who have shown outstanding results for their clients over an extended period.
Tuskmelon Business Solutions was recognised as one among the “10 Best Startups in TamilNadu- 2020”
Tuskmelon Business Solutions was recognised as " Best Emerging Startups in India– 2022”
Tuskmelon moves ahead with a data-driven approach to serve digital India. We blend our creativity and technology to develop a purpose-led, people-centric approach to bring a positive difference to businesses and the community around them.
Facebook Marketing
Facebook is one of the largest social media networks to date and billions of people use Facebook Advertising for effective Brand Marketing.
Instagram Marketing
Instagram Marketing is the golden space of Digital Marketing. Our team of social media geeks will help you attain increased traffic and ROI.
LinkedIn Marketing
Tuskmelon is one of the finest LinkedIn marketing companies, we help you generate solid leads and create an effective strategy for the brand.
Twitter Marketing
Tuskmelon offers a set of expert social media managers and content strategists who will help Branding your brand on Twitter in the right way.
Quora Marketing
Quora Marketing can create a huge impact on your brand engagements. We can influence your audiences by highly targeted advertising on Quora.
Email Marketing
Email marketing is the authentic way of branding towards the targeted audience to attain your goals effectively through our advanced mechanisms.
Affiliate Marketing
Tuskmelon helps you market your product through different websites and platforms to increase your traffic by building authentic audiences.
Website Development
Tuskmelon offers you a team of web designers, developers and content writers to build up an effective website that will speak for your brand.
Cost-Effective Lead Generation
Reduced Marketing & Spill Over Costs
Informed Decision Making
Elevated Brand Value
Increase In Sales
Request A Marketing Proposal
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